Our Mission
To advance and promote the visual, performing, and literary arts in the Greater Greenwood Community.
Our Vision
We see a community where the arts act as a catalyst and community connector capable of improving our quality of life and cultural environment.
Goals and Objectives
a. Connect people to their community through the arts
Our goal is to connect people to each other and to their community through the common language of art, and to help weave art more tightly into Greenwood’s cultural fabric.
b. Expand the community’s awareness of the arts
The GGAC will act as a catalyst for the arts, both by providing a clearinghouse for local events and by creating and producing additional events to enrich the local arts environment.
c. Grow a vital and sustainable arts organization
As the GGAC grows and develops, we will give attention to creating an organization that is sustainable for the future, operates with excellence, and is foundationally equipped for innovation and growth.
Strategic Plan
Revision of strategic plan is in progress.
Board of Directors
The GGAC Board of Directors meets the second Tuesday of each month from 12:00 – 1:00pm virtually. All are welcome! Send us an email for the link!
Contact Us
Want to learn more about the GGAC? Click here to contact us.